Monday, July 13, 2009

Strange Behavior in the Stairways

Suspicious behavior has been taking place in the stairway of the Main Library...

A police sketch artist worked with a witness to generate the drawing below:

Security camera footage confirmed that the woman in question was indeed Miss Scarlet:

Nevertheless, Miss Scarlet refuses to answer any questions:

Lt. Grey is irritated by her resistance - but admires her audacity:


Joy2C said...

Ooooh, Ms Scarlet, did you dare to fake an airline ticket, I saw no boarding gate info on the one presented as evidence, and it was the whole ticket. Was it even used?

Anonymous said...

...Very strange indeed... More information is needed before any more actions can be taken...

Julie said...

Scarlet only claimed to be out of town during the murder. I agree Joy2C, the ticket looks like a fake. I want witnesses that saw her out of town!

--Col. Mustard