As Boddy, the Butler and Ms. White conferred in the Secret Passageway, Plum, Green, Mustard and Yvette were each thinking about missed opportunities.
Professor Plum was humming "Lament for Old Boddy." He now considered this tune to be his musical masterpiece. If only his mentor were still alive to hear him play...
Yvette was checking her InBox to see if she'd heard back from any potential employers. She wondered how much of her life had been wasted in fulfilling other people's agendas. Perhaps it was time to develop a strategy of her own?
Mary Ann Mustard, the ex-Colonel, was holding a childhood photograph of her twin brother. What would he say if he knew how her life had turned out? Would her parents ever forgive her for not living up to their expectations?
Mr. Green was tying the laces of a pair of old running shoes - and wondering how far and how fast he might have to run in order to escape Boddy's blackmail.
Staff members, don't miss your opportunity to visit CR&D and initial the gameboard in your division!
**Extra Points** - The Sorting Room is in need of our help! Get an extra point by shelving a cart of books.
Hone Your Cyber Skills: Create a Word Mosaic of your own!
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