Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wear Blue on Thursday

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Design a Magazine Cover of your own!


Joy2C said...

It was so hard to decide what shade of blue to wear today. Teal (which is what I went with,) turquoise, navy, cerelean, prussian, ice, or multiple shades of blue. Decisions, decisions, but time to get back to ILL pendings.

Lisa D said...

Teal was what I went with as well... it seemed more befitting to wear teal in honor of Miss Peacock.

Coincidentally, Connie and I wound up wearing the exact same shade! (:

kh said...

Well I missed the blue Thursday. I did wander down to CFD yesterday and the first staff member I came upon was the mover and shaker Julie S. "Step up to my computer" she said and I will show you my favorite picture book. Somehow when all was said and done I had three books ordered for me to read. Thanks Julie!

sopranolibrarian said...

I wore my blue suit skirt and a blue, white and tan sweater. Glad I wore the sweater, it was cold in my area!