On the day before Mr. Boddy's untimely death, he held a conversation with a mild mannered Butler. Butler Bierman was tall and distinguished. He wore tuxedo and a pair of glasses, and had a towel wrapped around one arm.
“I need you to take me to my car," Boddy ordered.
“Your car, sir?”
“Yes, my car! Is that a problem?”
“The building is going through renovation. We will have to take a roundabout way to your car, sir.”
The Butler was stalling him for some reason, and Boddy noticed it immediately. "Fine, let's get a move on then."
Boddy walked with more speed than normal. He needed to get out of the building immediately…but now he had to take a roundabout way to leave… This was intolerable. He kept his mouth shut along the way up the marble stairs, across the beautifully decorated mezzanine area. They entered a small gallery, and reached a door that could only be opened with keycard access.
"Why are you taking me here?" Boddy demanded.
The Butler's demeanor changed, "Because there is something that you need to know, sir, and this is the only safe place to tell you."
Share Your Story: We are now five weeks into the summer reading program. Staff members can earn one point by sharing a customer service success story having to do with the 2009 Summer Reading Club in a reply to this blog entry.
One of the more challenging things at infoline is the IM chat, but I had a delightful encounter this week. A mother who was asking about a book added "my son was just reading about the im and wanted to say hi!
How cool is that?
I shared my library story and wore my teal Logo shirt on Thursday.... the same day I visited CR&D and heard 3 library stories -- Thanks Debra, Kim and Kathy!
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