Mary Ann Mustard never dreamed of becoming a Colonel. While her twin brother Michael played with toy guns in the backyard, Mary Ann put all her storybooks in alphabetical order and lined them up carefully on the shelf.
Michael was destined to be the Colonel in the family - but at some point during his teenage years, he mysteriously vanished.
To appease her parents, Mary Ann followed in in the footsteps of her long-lost brother, setting her own ambitions aside. Only one person understood the inner turmoil of what Mary Ann was going through - Mr. Boddy.
But that was before he betrayed her.
Early Update: It can be painful to lose trust in someone. To help Mary Ann Mustard heal from this traumatic experience, staff are invited to wear yellow on Thursday. Individuals who participate will receive one point each.
Hone Your Cyber Skills: While pretending to be Mustard's friend, Boddy gave an award-winning performance. Write your own Oscar Speech.
Your Academy Awards Speech
Thank you so much. But really, it's just an honor to be nominated alongside so many other supportive actors. I want to thank my agent, who stuck with me after I was found gushing that statue. I'd like to also thank my tremendous family, and humble dame. I better stop now before I say something old. Thank you, and W00T!!
This speech generator is a hoot.
Please wear yellow on Thursday to support me. Boddy is evil and betrayed me. The library is the only family I have. (Well and the real one at home that I spent yesterday with. Carting kids all over town was not my ideal day off. Sorry I missed you all yesterday.) I love my library family. Wear yellow. It brightens my sad existence.
Colonel Mustard
p.s. This time I proofread the post before posting!
Below is the text of my speech. Fun activity, if just a wee bit silly...some lines work, some don't.
Thank you so much. But really, it's just an honor to be nominated alongside so many other sleazy actors. I want to thank my agent, who stuck with me after I was found scorching that booze. I'd like to also thank my apocalyptic family, and unbelievable fleshpot. I better stop now before I say something limitless. Thank you, and hot damn!!
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