During your visit, if you wish to earn one additional point for yourself, you are required to answer one of the following three questions, based upon the resources at GHT and the specific clues below...
1. Locate the specific place on the map where Boddy was looking to go.
2. What are the names of the Prince and Princess?
3. Was there a hidden room in the Palace?
Mr. Boddy's visit, on the day of his death, had been filled with foreboding.
Ignoring the disquieting notion that he and Professor Plum had met before, Boddy followed as the professor led him to the archive where Ohio maps were stored. Boddy noticed, but didn't comment on, the newspaper that the professor was holding tightly in his hands. It had to be a coincidence.
"Looking for the Parsons Palace, you say?" the professor murmured. "Hidden room? Prussian Prince pursues Parsons princess... indeed, I remember..."
Boddy interrupted, "Less talk, more action!"

Make Your Division Front Page News: Submit photos and news updates about the wonderful things you are doing during SRC 2009, so that we can celebrate and share your efforts on this blog! Please email them to Lisa Dickson.
Bring your magnifying glass to discover if there is a hidden room in the palace!
YEP! The possibility of a hidden room is hidden in the microscopic and slightly blurred print! Make sure you've got a good amount of time to dig up the clues. I had a facinating time and learned a bit about local history.
I learned some facinating things about my adopted home city.... and I want to learn more now.
However, if you're playing the mystery and you want to know how long it will take about 15 minutes, unless you linger...
This was fun. I won't give everything away, but...once upon a time a local girl married a rich German dude named Ernst Zu Lyner, and her Dad has a road named after him, and there was something in a school basement...
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