During your visit, earn an extra point for yourself by stopping by the Tech Center to look up the Columbus Dispatch from the day you were born (or from another special date). Leave a comment here with the front page headline from that day!
As Yvette updated her resume in the Job Help Center, she was reminded of her most recent job, at the Denver Art Museum.
Dusting those paintings, night after night, as the darkness drew closer, she wondered if she would ever be able to escape from a bully who had been blackmailing her for years...

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Decorate an Art Gallery of your own.
Only two headlines really caught my eye in the Columbus Dispatch on my birthday: "Family Has Infant Son Home After 11 Months In Hospital" and my favorite: "Mace Is The Answer To Delinquent Geese." (Actually, it's kind of sad. Must not have come out with the animal rights, yet. Oh, and the "Wishing Well" said my fortune was: "ample means" - pretty cool!
"Economic gain best in two years" and "Mob ahead in war with Washington" Besides a few good sales, it looks like the most exciting thing to happen on January 28, 1983 was my birth!
March 30, 1961. "Grooming, Personal Appearance Checked"
by Sam Dawson, AP Business News Analyst
A gaggle of corporate chiefs say that personal appearance and grooming are the first things they note about a job applicant.
Fire Security Threat Here
with a photo of doubleparked trucks! I must have been one hot baby!
On my birthday, June 1964, the Columbus Dispatch was out on strike. So I went ahead a few days and merchants who were offering Sunday liquor sales were going to pay stiff penalties. JC Penney was having a "better" dress sale $8 and summer purses were a steal for $1.88.
My birthday: Aug 20, 1983
The Columbus Dispatch headline:
"Reagan to lift ban on selling gear to Soviets."
In addition, the weather was cloudy with a high of 85.
On my birthday the Federal Home Loan Board abandoned a fluctuating mortgage rate program. The House voted against it 291 to 104, hmm wonder when it came back.
Not on my bday but after Aug 18, 75. The Columbus Public Library set new branch hours for 14 branches from a special grant. Interesting to see.
I found my other occupations to include counseling, education administration and archeologist to name a few.
All the headlines around my birthday were Watergate-related, although I was pleased to see that it led to "Government Moves to Curb Wiretaps." It was also apparently a slow news day, since right below the fold I learned that "Hermit is Forced to Evacuate Home."
his activity was fun!! On my birthday, June 1, 1965 the Dispatch had the following headlines:
"Viet Cong Kills 2 Yanks in Ambush; Convoy Attacked by Reds" and "Negro Leaders Plan New Selma Protest". Also, my birthday was the day after Memorial Day and here are two traffic related headlines "Highway Death Toll 474 Over Weekend" and "Traffic in Ohio Claims 28 Lives"
By the way, the Dispatch was 7 cents; 3 lbs of coffee was $1.89 and 3 doz. eggs was 99 cents.
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