Monday, June 8, 2009

Main Staff SRC Dessert Potluck

Thanks to all Main staff that came out and helped with the fabulous dessert potluck on June 4th!

The event was a smashing success! Mrs. Peacock planned the potluck, and Yvette the Maid was diligent in cleaning up after everyone who came. We all enjoyed a sugar rush after tasting the delicious goodies that everyone brought in to share, and much fun was had by all!

Sadly, the fun came to an end when we tragically lost one of our party-goers, Mr. Reginald H. Boddy...

Now it is up to all of us to solve the mystery of his death and find the culprit!


Lisa Dickson said...

Wow, Erica, I love the captions and the music at the end of the film! Great job, everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, I adore the photos!

~ Lisa

Maria said...


Joy2C said...

Could it be that Mr. Bodde had a savage past? He seemed harmless enough while at the table.

Just wish I had been an eyewitness.

Jill said...

This was a great event - thank you for all your hard work!

Chris said...

Love it, especially the chalk outline on the floor!!

Blue Dun said...

Erica, this was really impressive!

Maybe I was wrong, but as the dead Boddy was wheeled past the dessert table, he seemed to move his arm as if to take a dessert...But wasn't he already dead?

Or, was he revived by the tantalizing aromas of the sweets?

Melissa Fischer said...

Is there any way we could pretend to be having another potluck but everyone would just leave the sweets on my desk instead?