The girl hurried up to the Reader's Advisory with shining eyes, "John Green? It is you, isn't it?"
Mr. Green ducked his head in a nod of self-deprecation.
"You are my little brother's hero! He still has the clipping from when you won the triathalon last month." The girl looked down, rummaging inside her purse. "If he finds out that I talked to you, he'll want an autograph... Let me see if I have anything to write on."
Over her shoulder, Mr. Green could see the dark, hulking figure of Mr. Boddy drawing near, "Why don't you bring him in sometime next week, and I'll sign something then?"
"That would be great..." She smiled at him, and turned to go. "I can't wait to tell him!"
Mr. Boddy approached the desk, with a cynical smile, "Still signing autographs, John?"
Early Update: On Thursday of this week, staff members will receive one point as individuals if they wear green, in support for Mr. Green's athletic prowess.
Hone Your Cyber Skills: Customize a trophy.
2009 Library Ironman Award--John Green for running up and stairs to cover 2 divisions at main library.
Especially the amount of space one has to cover to shelf check an item requested!
Now that the library rally is on Thursday and people are asked to wear Red to support the rally and the cause, will wearing green for a point be changed to a different day?
I wore green on Thursday, because it's my favorite color!
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