Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SBN-Related Activity

Many customers in our Job Help Center are working on resumes, looking for a new career, and filling out job applications.

If you weren't working at the library, what else might you want to do?

Use the Occupation Match of the Ohio Career Information System (available in our list of Premium Resources) to see what other careers you might be good at. Did any surprise you? Earn an extra point by posting a comment with your results!

With assistance from staff at the Job Help Center, Yvette finished her resume and applied for several jobs. As she exited the library, she thought about how Mr. Boddy had helped her. Perhaps her assignment might be changed?

She received the following reply, in response to her question:


Chels said...

I just did the ohio career activity and it looks like I'm not too picky about what other kinds of jobs I might want to do. I narrowed the list down to 31 categories and of those categories, I think recreation leaders and zoologist would be the most fun. I think I'll stick with library school though!

Anonymous said...

The OCIS occupation match activity was fun. Of the seven results, only two (writer, director/producer) sounded appealing.
The only interesting headline from the Dispatch on the day I was born was "U.S. Condemns Reds Over POWs" (Vietnam related).
Harold Powell

Joy2C said...

There were only 2 matches. Sales manager and I've forgotten the other already. According to the sort Librarian never travel, must not heard about our rover position and all those conferences!

chuckatmain said...

Among the careers I should consider, according to OCIS:
Pest Control Workers,
Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners

Thanks, OCIS!

Anonymous said...


OCIS pegged me perfectly:

It said that I should be a:
- Librarian
- Social Worker
- Editor

It also thought I might consider being a:

- News Reporter
- Education Administer
- Public Relations Specialist

Lisa Dickson

Anonymous said...

Good database: it realized I wasn't being truthful in answering some of the questions, and suggested I consider becoming a politician.

theheartof_IT_all said...

The most interesting results from my OCIS occupation match included police officer and sheet metal worker (50K and above salary).