Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Thanks to all Main Library staff for a fantastic summer! We really hope you enjoyed following along with the mystery, visiting divisions, and completing the activities - and we especially hope you enjoyed the video wrap-up yesterday. But what's a good video without good bloopers?

Bloopers from Erica Blasdel on Vimeo.

Thanks again for everyone's participation!

Monday, August 3, 2009


After an eight week investigation, Lieutenant Gray has cracked the case - and it's finally time for us all to learn the truth about the Mysterious Murder of Mister Boddy:

Conclusion to the Murder of Mister Boddy from Erica Blasdel on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Scarlet is taken in for questioning

Excerpt from the Recap:
As Scarlet descended her spiral staircase in her lavish uptown home, she wore red with a matching feather boa, and her scarlet tinted glasses, once more. When she reached her double door with the stained glass peering through, she opened it slowly, "Well, I do declare, we must stop meeting like this..."

Although he was trying to stifle a snort, Grey just looked down at her and said, "Ms. Scarlet, I think it's time we have a talk..."

"Now, why would you need to talk to little 'ol me?" Scarlet asked, her southern tone coming through.

"New information has been brought into the light about this case. You will need to come downtown with me..."

Additional details available at: http://misterboddy.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mysterious Murder of Mister Boddy: Recap

Some might say that Reginald Horatio Boddy was arrogant. Some might say that he was manipulative. Fewer still knew him to be a friend. And so he died, leaving a legacy of blackmail, pain and suffering.

Lieutenant Grey demanded an in-depth inquiry into Boddy's death. After approximately eight weeks of investigation, thanks to the help of an undercover detective with an alter-identity as a Children's Librarian, evidence began to surface...

Please stay tuned for the exciting conclusion to this mystery!

For an extended recap of the facts above, please visit:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Appreciation for our Library Board of Trustees

The mystery is still unfolding... but given current circumstances, it is important for all of us to step back and express our appreciation for our Board of Trustees.

Our library faced an 8.5 M decrease in funding and still did not resort to staff layoffs. A pay freeze and loss in salary seems quite small in comparison.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Text Messages Between Yvette and Scarlet

Lieutenant Grey and his associates have recently decoded the following text messages between Yvette and Miss Scarlet...

Scarlet: R U there? Are you there?
Scarlet: 411 on Ms White? Any information on Miss White?
Yvette: SITD Still in the dark
Scarlet: Current ADR? Current address?
Yvette: 404 I haven’t a clue
Yvette: Last seen with Lt. Grey
Scarlet: OIC Oh I see
Scarlet: KMP Keep me posted

Scarlet: DNT 4get the T&C Don't forget the terms and conditions
Scarlet: of your employment
Scarlet: YCDBWYCID You can't do business when your computer is down
Yvette: WAH Working at home
Yvette: NIROK Not in reach of keyboard
Scarlet: Keep stalling AYOR (at your own risk)
Scarlet: WIU by this W/END Wrap it up by this weekend
Yvette: SLAP Sounds like a plan
Scarlet: WDYS?? What did you say??

Yvette: WDR… With due respect
Yvette: WYRN? What's your real name?
Scarlet: NOYB!! None of your business
Scarlet: That 411 is P&C That info is private & confidential
Scarlet: RHIP Rank Has Its Privileges
Yvette: YIU Yes, I understand

Scarlet: NAVY Never again volunteer yourself
Yvette: Y Why?
Scarlet: B/C U R Because you are
Scarlet: LOPSOD Long on promises, short on delivery
Yvette: WDYMBT? What do you mean by that?
Scarlet: WDYT? What do you think?
Yvette: ? Huh?
Scarlet: U R A WOMBAT You are a waste of money, brains and time
Yvette: IGTP I get the point
Scarlet: C4N Ciao for now

Yvette: SIMYC Sorry I missed your call
Scarlet: Update on WOA Update on work of art
Yvette: Do you still WTS? Do you still want to sell?
Scarlet: Yes – GOWI Yes, get on with tt
Yvette: Proceeding with DD Proceeding with due diligence
Yvette: BTW, Plum implicated By the way, Plum has been implicated
Scarlet: ??
Yvette: P2C2E Process too complicated to explain
Scarlet: Hint?
Yvette: OTC Over The Counter
Scarlet: GJ Good Job

Monday, July 27, 2009

Reminder to Visit Circ

In fourth grade, Mrs. Mitchell assigned young Boddy to write 100 sentences, after she intercepted his note to a classmate saying: "If you do my Math homework for a week, I won't tell Mrs. M. that you cheated on the Social Studies exam."

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Post your message on a Virtual Chalkboard.

Don't forget to visit Main Circ at some time this week. You'll receive an extra point as an individual if you find out about the moonlighting activities of at least one Main staff member and post in response to this blog entry.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mr. Boddy

Mr. Boddy's parents first became concerned about his behavior when he was a small child. Here is an example of an Etch-A-Sketch message left outside his sister's door:

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Write an Etch-A-Sketch Message of your own.

Early Update: In contrast to Boddy's sister's negative childhood experience, children from all over Columbus have happy memories of their involvement in the Summer Reading Club.

On Thursday of this week, staff members are invited to wear their SRC T-shirt or CML logo to celebrate! (And will receive 1 point each for doing so...)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Last Chance to Visit CFD

Found in Miss Peacock's locker:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CFD-Related Online Activity

During the 2009 Summer Reading Club, children, teenagers, and adults can earn points for online activities.

Do you know what those activities actually are?

Visit SummerReadingClub.com and find out!

Post an educated answer in response to this blog entry to earn points as an individual...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wear Blue on Thursday

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Design a Magazine Cover of your own!

What's your Dewey Decimal number?

Joy has been kind enough to share her results from What Dewey Decimal Number are You?

joy's Dewey Decimal Section:


700 Arts & Recreation

Architecture, drawing, painting, music, sports.

What it says about you:
You're creative and fun, and you're good at motivating the people around you. You're attracted to things that are visually interesting. Other people might not always understand your taste or style, but it's yours.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Visit CFD

Staff members are invited to visit the Center for Discovery sometime this week in order to earn division points.

If you complete the following assignment, you'll earn one point as an individual as well...

Your Assignment: Please ask one youth services librarian for the name of one of their favorite books, and why, and to post their first name and answer below. (No last names, please!)
Hone Your Cyber Skills: Visit the Card Catalog Generator and create your own card...

Miss Peacock

The parents at the library love taking their children to hear Miss Peacock read stories.

"Remember," Mothers and fathers tell their children, "Miss Peacock is not only a wonderful storyteller - she's also an author!"

Miss Peacock's best-selling series of children's books includes: The Pleasant Pheasant, Pride of the Peacock, Picketing the Peacock Party, Praise the Pretty Peahen, Sailing On Sapphire Seas, Following the Turquoise Rainbow and Of Feathers and Fowl.

According to her publisher, Miss Peacock is currently working a retelling of Why A Peacock's Tail Has A Hundred Eyes.

Early Update: In appreciation for Miss Peacock's contributions to children's literature, staff members are invited to wear blue on Thursday. Those who do so will receive one point.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Convert your name to a Dewey Decimal number.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Last Chance to Visit InfoLine

Scarlet opened the safety deposit box and inserted a note she had received from Boddy on the week of his death.

She could imagine the meticulous care that he had taken in crafting it...

Hone Your Sleuthing Skills: Step into the criminal mind by creating a Blackmail Letter of your own.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

InfoLine Activity

Scarlet scowled at her hand bag, irritated by the annoying-gnat sound of her phone buzzing. Her mood was not improved by glancing at the screen.

"Idiot! I told her not to call me directly except in case of extreme danger..."

Scarlett declined the call - but an email popped up shortly afterward.

"Persistent, isn't she?" The wry tone in Scarlet's voice turned to a gasp as she read the following message:

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Who would YOU be willing to accept a phone call or email message from?

Wear Red on Thursday

A second reminder to please wear red on Thursday, in recognition of the passion and energy that Miss Scarlet brings to her many disguises. Staff members who do so will each receive one point.

Sharpen Your Sleuthing Skills: Staff members are invite to Make Headlines of their own!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Strange Behavior in the Stairways

Suspicious behavior has been taking place in the stairway of the Main Library...

A police sketch artist worked with a witness to generate the drawing below:

Security camera footage confirmed that the woman in question was indeed Miss Scarlet:

Nevertheless, Miss Scarlet refuses to answer any questions:

Lt. Grey is irritated by her resistance - but admires her audacity:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Evidence of Innocence

As previously mentioned, Miss Scarlet was in Colorado at the time of Boddy's death.

She sees this as incontrovertible truth of her innocence, and has refused Lieutenant Grey's repeated requests that she come down to the station for questioning... (Click on ticket below to enlarge).

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Create your own First-Class Airline Ticket.

Miss Scarlet

Miss Scarlet has developed a recent affinity for IM code language because it allows for clear, precise communication.

Witness the cyber interchange between Scarlet and Yvette, dated 6/2/09:

Scarlett: WWY?
Yvette: AFK
Scarlet: 411 on Boddy
Yvette: CYE
Yvette: HIH
Scarlet: OO

Whereas to many readers the preceding exchange might look like gibberish, an astute sleuth with cyber skills would easily decode their online transaction as follows:

Scarlet: Where were you?
Yvette: Away from keyboard
Scarlet: (Request information) on Boddy
Yvette: Check your email
Yvette: Hope it helps
Scarlet: Over and out

Staff members, be on the lookout for a text message between Scarlet and Yvette, which will be posted in your division this week. Each division's text message will be different. The message will be posted beside your division gameboard.

Replying to this blog entry with the decoded message will earn a point for you and your division!

If you decode the message correctly, Miss Scarlet and Yvette will visit your division and sign their initials on your division gameboard on the week during which your team had the lowest participation -- moving your division two steps closer to winning an end-of-summer Pizza Party!

Additionally, staff will earn points for wearing RED on Thursday.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Chance to Visit the Secret Passageway

As Boddy, the Butler and Ms. White conferred in the Secret Passageway, Plum, Green, Mustard and Yvette were each thinking about missed opportunities.

Professor Plum was humming "Lament for Old Boddy." He now considered this tune to be his musical masterpiece. If only his mentor were still alive to hear him play...

Yvette was checking her InBox to see if she'd heard back from any potential employers. She wondered how much of her life had been wasted in fulfilling other people's agendas. Perhaps it was time to develop a strategy of her own?

Mary Ann Mustard, the ex-Colonel, was holding a childhood photograph of her twin brother. What would he say if he knew how her life had turned out? Would her parents ever forgive her for not living up to their expectations?

Mr. Green was tying the laces of a pair of old running shoes - and wondering how far and how fast he might have to run in order to escape Boddy's blackmail.

Staff members, don't miss your opportunity to visit CR&D and initial the gameboard in your division!

**Extra Points** - The Sorting Room is in need of our help! Get an extra point by shelving a cart of books.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Create a Word Mosaic of your own!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Evidence from Ms. White

Ms. White reached into her oversized handbag, and pulled out a rolled up sheet of paper. She handed it to Boddy and tilted her head to the side, measuring the intensity of his reaction.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Visit the Bubble Blog

Have you been to the Bubble Room?

Staff members will receive one point each as individuals for visiting Alison Circle's Bubble Room blog, hosted by Library Journal, and posting an encouraging comment.

If you are really lucky, you might also receive a container of official Bubble Room bubbles of your very own!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mysterious Appearance of Ms. White

Boddy stifled his feelings of apprehension by speaking gruffly to Butler Bierman, "So you've got something to tell me, eh? Well, out with it! I don't have all day."

"Yes, sir. Just a second, I'm waiting for someone."

Just then, the door opened, an apparition in white entered the room.

Boddy immediately recognized the woman as Ms. White, a wealthy library trustee. Elegant and sophisticated, Ms. White carried herself in a manner that made many people hesitate before entering into conversation. But Boddy was less easily intimidated. He had crossed paths with her once before.

"Ms. White." Boddy acknowledged her presence with a nod of approval. "This is a surprise."

She closed the door behind her softly and removed her dark sunglasses. "Not half as surprised as you're going to be when you see what I have to show you..."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Reminder to visit CR&D

Staff members are invited to visit the Community Relations and Development department this week in order to earn division points.

While visiting, ask a CR&D staff member about their favorite library story or memory. Then comment on this post with which staff member you talked to and what you found out to earn an extra point!

Butler Bierman

On the day before Mr. Boddy's untimely death, he held a conversation with a mild mannered Butler. Butler Bierman was tall and distinguished. He wore tuxedo and a pair of glasses, and had a towel wrapped around one arm.

“I need you to take me to my car," Boddy ordered.

“Your car, sir?”

“Yes, my car! Is that a problem?”

“The building is going through renovation. We will have to take a roundabout way to your car, sir.”

The Butler was stalling him for some reason, and Boddy noticed it immediately. "Fine, let's get a move on then."

Boddy walked with more speed than normal. He needed to get out of the building immediately…but now he had to take a roundabout way to leave… This was intolerable. He kept his mouth shut along the way up the marble stairs, across the beautifully decorated mezzanine area. They entered a small gallery, and reached a door that could only be opened with keycard access.

"Why are you taking me here?" Boddy demanded.

The Butler's demeanor changed, "Because there is something that you need to know, sir, and this is the only safe place to tell you."

Share Your Story: We are now five weeks into the summer reading program. Staff members can earn one point by sharing a customer service success story having to do with the 2009 Summer Reading Club in a reply to this blog entry.

Early Update: One way that we share the library story is by sporting the SRC or CML logo. Staff members who do so on Thursday will each receive one point.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Last Chance to Visit AV

Today is the last chance to visit AV for division points!

Unfortunately, for former Colonel Mary Ann Mustard, even the cone of silence can't bring her peace.

However, a dog-eared book with a yellow cover resides on her bedside table.

She reads it every night before she goes to sleep:

Hone Your Cyber Skills:
Design a Dummies book or a Newbies book.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

AV Related Activity

Staff members can earn one additional point this week for experimenting with Digital Downloads.

Not only does this option offer convenience to library customers, it can help a temperamental person like Colonel Mustard avoid leaving a trail of evidence behind...

Case-in-point: The following Post-It Note was found inside an audio book that Colonel Mustard recently returned to the library:

Just for Fun: Make your own Sticky Note.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wear Yellow on Thursday

The following note was found on Colonel Mustard's desk, after a night of deep reflection on her troubled past and shaky identity.

Staff members will receive one point each as individuals if they wear yellow on Thursday.

Hone Your Cyber Skills:
Write a Paper-Clipped Note of your own!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Parade of Posh Pets

Despite her inner turmoil, Mary Ann Mustard's spirits were temporarily lifted by the Fancy Nancy's Posh Pets Program.

This program took place on Tuesday, June 23rd at 7 pm, and attracted an audience of 30 people. Children enjoyed stories about pets, including Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy. Wearing fancy clothes, they visited the Posh Pet Parlor in the CFD activity room, to adorn and accessorize the "plush posh pets" they brought from home.

After decorating dog and cat masks, attendees participated in a Posh Pet Parade through the Center for Discovery - the finale of a posh-tively posh-tastic evening!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Visit AV

The Betrayal: Two years ago, Boddy told Mr. and Mrs. Mustard that Mary Ann had received a dishonorable discharge from the military and enrolled in library school. Her parents felt that, in doing so, she had abandoned her brother's memory. They haven't spoken to her since.

Now, Mary Ann works in the AV department - but, even in the cone of silence, she can still hear accusatory voices in her head.

Staff members are invited to visit the Audio Visual Department this week, in order to earn division points.

Staff members can earn one extra point as individuals for doing one or more of the following:
- Experience the cone of silence for themselves
- Experiment with the AV digital download station
- Reply to this blog entry with the first name of one AV staff member, their favorite movie or book on cd, and why.

Lights! Camera! Action! Visiting the AV department has undoubtedly reminded you of your favorite movie or book on CD. Let's all get to know each other better! Reply to this blog post by sharing your favorite movie or book-on-CD, and why. (You'll receive one point for doing so...)

Colonel Mustard

Mary Ann Mustard never dreamed of becoming a Colonel. While her twin brother Michael played with toy guns in the backyard, Mary Ann put all her storybooks in alphabetical order and lined them up carefully on the shelf.

Michael was destined to be the Colonel in the family - but at some point during his teenage years, he mysteriously vanished.

To appease her parents, Mary Ann followed in in the footsteps of her long-lost brother, setting her own ambitions aside. Only one person understood the inner turmoil of what Mary Ann was going through - Mr. Boddy.

But that was before he betrayed her.

Early Update: It can be painful to lose trust in someone. To help Mary Ann Mustard heal from this traumatic experience, staff are invited to wear yellow on Thursday. Individuals who participate will receive one point each.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: While pretending to be Mustard's friend, Boddy gave an award-winning performance. Write your own Oscar Speech.

Photos and Video Footage of Library Rally

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last Chance to Visit HFAR

Rumors are swiftly spreading that the the results of the triathlon "photo-finish" might not have been accurate.

On ebay, the autographed sneaker of Mr. John Green is steadily decreasing in value...

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Customize a Sneaker of your own!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recipe for Danger

Shortly after Boddy vacated the Reader's Advisory Desk, it was time for Mr. Green to return to the second floor.

Green noticed several carts of books to be shelved were piling up, so he took a cart, and headed for the 600's.

As he browsed the call numbers in the Humanity, Fine Arts and Recreation division, a certain book title caught his eye...

What's Your Score? Have you been keeping track of the points you are earning as individual this summer? Why not let Mr. Green be your example and shelve a cart of books? It's an easy way to earn a point - and it probably endear you to the Circulation staff!

Monday, June 22, 2009

HFAR Activity

Mr. Green protested, "What can I possibly tell you about that painting? Surely you don't expect me to give it to you. I couldn't even if I wanted to - it's been stolen."

Mr. Boddy's expression did not change,"I know it's been stolen, and I know who took it."

Unconsciously, Green took a step backward.

Boddy leaned closer, with fierce glint in his eyes, "You're going to help me to get it back."

Share Your Taste in Art! To earn one point as an individual, visit Oxford Art Online, available through Premium Resources, and find a piece of artwork that you like. Comment below with a citation for that particular artwork, and a brief description of why it appeals to you.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Create your own Sidewalk Billboard.

Visit HFAR

Without saying a word, Boddy lay a series of photos down on the desk.

Green's eyes widened, and he looked around quickly to make sure that no one else had seen them.

"You know what I came here for," Mr. Boddy responded.

John Green shook his head in exasperation, "There's no more money left over from the sponsorships and endorsements. You've taken everything you could from me - I have nothing more to give."

"I think you do," Boddy leaned in closer across the desk and spoke softly, "This time, I am here looking for information."

"Information?" Green echoed incredulously.

"It's about a painting: Requiem for a Reader."

Staff members are invited to visit the Humanity and Fine Arts division this week for division points.

To earn one point as an individual, find the score to one of your favorite songs from childhood, during your visit, and cite it in a comment below.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Create a newspaper clipping of your own.

Mr. Green

The girl hurried up to the Reader's Advisory with shining eyes, "John Green? It is you, isn't it?"

Mr. Green ducked his head in a nod of self-deprecation.

"You are my little brother's hero! He still has the clipping from when you won the triathalon last month." The girl looked down, rummaging inside her purse. "If he finds out that I talked to you, he'll want an autograph... Let me see if I have anything to write on."

Over her shoulder, Mr. Green could see the dark, hulking figure of Mr. Boddy drawing near, "Why don't you bring him in sometime next week, and I'll sign something then?"

"That would be great..." She smiled at him, and turned to go. "I can't wait to tell him!"

Mr. Boddy approached the desk, with a cynical smile, "Still signing autographs, John?"

Early Update: On Thursday of this week, staff members will receive one point as individuals if they wear green, in support for Mr. Green's athletic prowess.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Customize a trophy.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Chance to Visit SBN

A final reminder to visit SBN before Sunday, in order to earn a point for your division! And be sure to do some of the extra activities to earn more points for yourself and a better chance of winning tickets to the Columbus Museum of Art!

When Yvette's stressful week came to an end, she faced the blank screen on her laptop once more. Was her life coming to a crossroads? Would she choose further servitude to her secret employer - or risk striving for a new beginning?

As her fingers danced across the keys, even the laptop assistant seemed to be warning Yvette about the direction that her life was going...

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Customize the Office Assistant.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SBN-Related Activity

Many customers in our Job Help Center are working on resumes, looking for a new career, and filling out job applications.

If you weren't working at the library, what else might you want to do?

Use the Occupation Match of the Ohio Career Information System (available in our list of Premium Resources) to see what other careers you might be good at. Did any surprise you? Earn an extra point by posting a comment with your results!

With assistance from staff at the Job Help Center, Yvette finished her resume and applied for several jobs. As she exited the library, she thought about how Mr. Boddy had helped her. Perhaps her assignment might be changed?

She received the following reply, in response to her question:

Wear White on Thursday

Poor Yvette! So much to do... so little time!

In an effort to silence the competing voices in her head, Yvette started working on a To Do list...

Staff Reminder: In a show of support for Yvette, please wear white on Thursday, and earn one point for your participation. When you do so, you might leave a reassuring comment for Yvette on Thursday's blog entry... this will boost her spirits and help you to keep track of your points.

Hone Your Cyber Skills: Personalize a Memo Pad of your own.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2009 SRC Kick Off in SBN

The Science, Business, & News division had a lot of fun this year during Summer Reading Club kickoff on June 6th by inviting children upstairs for some arts & crafts! For the first round of kids to come up, we had piggy banks waiting to be decorated with stickers and markers. We got quite a crowd as everyone searched for the best stickers to customize their little piggy. The second round of children and their families had a great time coloring pictures of pigs, and using the leftover stickers to decorate them as well.

As an added bonus for parents, Bradley Huffman, director of Columbus Saves, was on hand to talk about the benefits of saving money. Columbus Saves is a non-profit program that encourages Central Ohioans to save money and build wealth. While the kids were busy decorating pigs or coloring their piggy sheets, parents were able to talk with Mr. Huffman, ask questions about the program, and take information home with them.

A great time was had by all!